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Build Diary entries for July 2016

Here are the diary entries for this month. You can use the forward and backward links to see the next or previous months. Most photos taken before 2018 are small size. From 2018 onwards, most photos you see below will have a link to a full size image by clicking on the photo.

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News update 5th July 2016
  It may have appeared quiet these last few weeks but, as always, a lot has been going on and we have a bumper news update...

The Exhaust Steam Spider (Manifold) casting arrived at CTL Seal and is now in their inspection bay. The inspection has been carried out and the casting passed, another major step forward for a component that has required the use of 21st century technology in order to complete!

The finish of the casting is excellent. CTL Seal will complete some pre-machining of the top flange spigot as required for it to fit the curved top plate of the Smokebox Saddle. The plates for the Smokebox Saddle have already been profiled.

The QA Document pack for Frame Stretcher & Boiler Carrier and Motion Bracket LH has been received from CTL Seal this week and will be sent to our certification body and filed.

The Front firebox support is already in final machining and will be completed shortly.

The Smokebox Saddle is the last item for phase 1 of the frame assembly and we can now move on to planning the assembly procedure, however, there is still the machining required of the 3 combined frame stretchers and minor work on other parts before we have all the 35 components ready for assembly. A meeting will be arranged with out certification body to confirm the assembly procedure and ensure conformance with their requirements and the requirements of the Office of Rail Regulators (ORR).