Build Diary entries for June 2019
Here are the diary entries for this month. You can use the forward and backward links to see the next or previous months. Most photos taken before 2018 are small size. From 2018 onwards, most photos you see below will have a link to a full size image by clicking on the photo.
Frame Assembly Phase 2 |
07/06/2019 |
While the first phase of frame assembly is underway at CTL Seal, we need to be designing the components that go at the rear of the frames - which we are classifying as frame assembly phase 2. We have the hind beam in stock together with the 2 rubbing plates that are fixed on the rear face. The dragbox is also in stock and will be fitted in phase 1. The major components that will be needed for phase 2 are the 2 gussets that are fixed in front of the hind beam. The 2 bolsters that transfer the weight of the rear of the engine to the pony truck are attached to the bottom of these gussets.
James Conway has been creating the CAD models for these components as can be seen in red in the photo. |
Small parts update. |
17/06/2019 |
Latest items completed this week have been the 2 Tender Hind Footsteps. Each step is constructed from six individual parts and then welded together to form the completed step assembly. Our resident painter and regular Monday working member Ashley Shimwell wasted no time in getting a coat of red oxide primer on them. |