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Build Diary entries for December 2024

Here are the diary entries for this month. You can use the forward and backward links to see the next or previous months. Most photos taken before 2018 are small size. From 2018 onwards, most photos you see below will have a link to a full size image by clicking on the photo.

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Preparing to Fit Pony Truck Bolsters
  Highslide JS
  The Pony Truck bolsters are bolted onto the bottom of the gussets. Here Steve is ensuring that the gusset surface is flat so that the bolts sit firmly on the face and is using the grinder to remove any high spots. The bolts can be seen on top of the gusset.

An order has now been placed for the riveting that will permanently fit the hind beam at the end of the frames. This should take place in January
Hind Cylinder Cover
  Highslide JS
  Today we have placed an order with Sutton Castings in Nottinghamshire for the casting of the hind cylinder covers. This will be a modified form of the original design in that an extension of the cover will provide support of the front of the slidebars. Movement of the slidebars was a known problem on British Railways and may contribute to poor piston ring life. We are very grateful to the Ironmongers Company, one of the Great XII Livery Companies of the City of London, for the sponsorship of these covers.

If you want to know more about this change, please follow this link.